Release notes
Recently published apps
We have just published the following tools from the BBTools 39.01 toolkit:
BBDuk: used for trimming, filtering, and masking of input reads.
Reformat: used for generic read-processing tasks (changing ASCII quality encoding, interleaving, file format, compression).
BBMap: used for splice-aware read alignment.
Dedupe: used for removing duplicates from input sequences.
SplitNextera: used for splitting Nextera long-mate-pair reads.
CalcUniqueness: used for determining library complexity and the need for additional sequencing by generating kmer uniqueness histogram.
Taxonomy: used for printing taxonomy information for provided organism identifiers.
Repair: used to correct disordered reads and reads whose mates have been lost.
Seal: used for alignment-free sequence quantification.
BBMerge: used for merging overlapping paired end reads.
BBMask: used for masking low-complexity, tandem repeats or SAM mapped regions.
Tadpole: used as a kmer-based assembler.
Statistics: used for calculating assembly statistics.
BBNorm: used for normalizing read depth based on kmer counts.