Release notes

DRS notification improvements and the brand new Activity center

To provide you with more detailed information about each DRS import operation and enable you to resolve import issues independently, we have improved DRS-related notifications and implemented the Activity center, available by clicking Open activity center in the Activity feed. When any of the items from a particular DRS import fail, you will be able to see an error message and a corresponding error code for each of the items, allowing you to understand and try to fix the issue. Furthermore, a description and link to the relevant documentation will be provided for each import from a DRS server.

Galaxy and OHIF Viewer now available in Data Studio on the CGC

Cancer Genomics Cloud just became more versatile by offering two new interactive tools as Data Studio environments, Galaxy and OHIF Viewer.

Galaxy is an open-source platform for FAIR data analysis that enables you to use tools from various domains and plug them into workflows through its graphical web interface. With the Galaxy integration into the CGC, you can execute Galaxy analyses directly where your data is by using your CGC project files as inputs for Galaxy analyses, and save analysis outputs back into the projects.

The OHIF Viewer is a medical image viewer provided by the Open Health Imaging Foundation (OHIF). It is a web application designed to load large radiology studies as quickly as possible. On the CGC, OHIF Viewer will automatically load all compatible files that are located within the current project and they will be ready for visualization directly in the browser, on the CGC, without the need to transfer files and use a separate deployment of the viewer.

Learn more about Galaxy and OHIF Viewer on the CGC.


Release notes


Release notes