Release notes
Cloud Cost Estimator now available on the CGC
We have added the capability to predict and understand the cost of analyses before running them, for a set of selected apps available in the Public Apps gallery. The estimation is based on the following parameters:
Use of spot instances. Prices of using spot and on-demand instances differ and affect the final task price.
Total input file size. The size of input files affects task running time, which impacts the total task cost.
Type of instance that is used to run the task. The cost of running different types of instances depends on their type and resources (available compute power, memory, etc.). Note that estimations are available only for instances with default resource configuration, as defined by cloud providers, and won't be available if the default resource values are changed. See available Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform instances on the CGC.
Please note that the estimated costs are AN ESTIMATE ONLY AND NOT A COST GUARANTEE. The costs shown in the estimates are only an approximation. Final costs may change after all the task elements have been accounted for.
New public project on the CGC
To further increase the versatility and usability of available analyses, we also published the Vitessce Demo Notebook as a part of the Integrative Single-cell Data Visualization with Vitessce: User Guide public project on the CGC. This project serves as a comprehensive tutorial for users interested in leveraging Vitessce for the visualization and analysis of single-cell data. It features one Data Studio interactive analysis, written in Python, with step-by-step demonstrations and examples showcasing the integrative capabilities of Vitessce Python API.
Recently published apps
We have also published new workflows for processing Nanopore data:
ONT Flowcell Processing - aligns (Minimap2), sorts (Samtools) and quality checks (NanoPlot, Samtools Flagstat, Mosdepth, GATK ComputeLongReadMetrics) input Nanopore data from a single flowcell.
ONT WGS Variant Calling - merges (Sambamba), calls variants (Clair3, Sniffles2) and quality checks (Mosdepth, NanoPlot) input BAM files from Nanopore data.