The Seven Bridges Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC), powered by Velsera and funded by the NCI, is a flexible cloud platform that enables analysis, storage, and computation of large cancer datasets. The CGC provides a user-friendly portal to access and analyze cancer data where it lives. With the CGC, any user with an account can easily access petabytes of cancer data, share it, analyze and use the computational power of the cloud without having to learn how to program and get familiar with several different data portals.
Begin your journey with our convenient Tutorials and detailed Knowledge Center for more information about how the CGC can help you learn from large datasets faster. New users can apply for $300 of free cloud credits to test the platform.
We hold Office Hours at 10:00 am ET Tuesdays and 2:00 pm ET Thursdays every week to answer questions and provide support to all our users. Click here to join.
The CGC provides access to more than 3 Petabytes of publicly available data as part of the CRDC (Cancer Research Data Commons) ecosystem, from the following data nodes:
GDC (Genomics Data Commons) TCGA, TARGET & MMRF
PDC (Proteomic Data Commons) CPTAC & APOLLO
ICDC (Integrated Canine Data Commons) GLIOMA01 & UBC01
CDS (Cancer Data Service) HTAN, CCDI & PDXNet
The CGC platform provides 900+ tools and workflows to perform bioinformatic analysis.
Don’t know how to program? Not a problem!
Our workflow composer interface allows for an easy way to edit these workflows to fit your analyses of interest.
Our Global Cancer Community consists of over 8,000 researchers collaborating across more than 100 Universities and Institutions.
We host a monthly Webinar Series on 4th Wednesday of each month at 2:00pm ET. Our speakers are experts from within Velsera, as well as our project collaborators and platform users. See details about our upcoming and the past webinars here
We hold Office Hours at 10:00 am ET Tuesdays and 2:00 pm ET Thursdays every week to answer questions and provide support. Click here to join.